t is the simple and most useful social bookmarking widget for bloggers.
Step 4:Replace this code to the following code:-
Others can submit your blog articles to digg,reddit,Google,yahoo and other social networking sites easily if they liked your post.
It is a a great tool for Blog promotion. Although it is most useful and easy to Install in your blog .
To install this widget in your blog follow the steps that follows below..............................It will take just minutes.
Step1 : Go to Layout Tab of Your Blogspot Site.
Step 2: Click on "Edit HTML " Tab.It will open a new window like this .
Step 3 : Now Search for this Code in HTML View of your blog
< / head >
Now paste the following code before ItStep 3: Save It .Now search after saving
Step 4:Replace this code to the following code:-
Phew!! you are done ,if any problems please ask by the Comment form........ We would be Happy to help!
Hope you are liking the Outcome
Have a Nice Day.
The "Sharing Is Sexy" Bookmarking For Blogger as seen below would be posted after some posts .
Getting this error: "Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
ReplyDeleteXML error message: The reference to entity "bodytext" must end with the ';' delimiter."
I'd appreciate your help.
A newe version is launched . you can see it here....