just get maximum 10 seconds to hold their attention. If thats not enough to load
your Blog or website , then a visitor is lost.
So How do you Optimize your Blog for the Best Performance and attention?
Here are some key tips: A good web host is essential, although, ensuring your blog not wasting
valuable bandwidth on poorly optimized images, and unnecessary scripts and widgets is also
Know which widget is Important and which is not ,delete unused widgets. Visitors dont see the
attractiveness of the widget but it's utility to them.
Optimize Blog Images
I think having attractive images in your articles is a key part of blogging, but I also think you
need to optimize images so that they not any larger than they needed to be.
Show Less Number of Posts on the Home Page
Most Bloggers show 10 posts on their Blogger Blog’s Home Page. Now that means the site will
continue to load & load until all the content of the ten posts and then the sidebar. All of this
makes the blog very unprofessional due to the long loading time.
Don’t Rely on Other Sites for Loading Blog Items
If you are loading content from other web sites it is going to slow your loading time. For example
most of the Related Posts Widget load from other servers. If either of these servers are
having bad days the widgets can take an age to load. Ad networks, badges, widgets, images,
scripts may all be loading content from other servers. For optimal performance you need to rely
as little as possible on other servers.
Use A Minimalist Blog Theme Optimized for Faster Loading
Attractive graphics and excessive use of plug-ins in your theme can add to the file size of your
site, and raise your loading time. So selecting a minimalist theme is a great way to reduce the
size of your Blog.