A great way to reward you for all the hard work and effort you've put into your blog.A PayPal Donation button allows readers to easily send money via PayPal.
PayPal Icons
Adding a Paypal Donation Button
Sign into your Paypal account and if you don’t have one you can get a free paypal account here.
Adding HTML code into Blogspot blog:
All the information you will find on the official Paypal website.
And Adding HTML code into Wordpress blog:
- Login into your Wordpress blog and go to its Dashboard
- Click Presentation –> Widgets
- Click on the content area in front of ‘Text 1’ widget
- Paste your HTML code in the content area available and save changes
- Open your Wordpress blog and check donate button will be in your blog sidebar
Wordpress Donations Cloud
This paypal widget is quite useful because it's more than just a button. It allows users to link to their own site when they make a donation. Therefore encouraging your readers to make a donation.
I hope you found this article resourceful.....an effort is made to keep it short and to the point....and wish you all the best with your blogging!!!