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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Comments Widget in 30 seconds

In case you directly want to show the comments widget on your Blogger Blog within 30 seconds, then follow this step:

Sign in to Blogger, Go to Layout -> Add a Gadget -> Feed widget[see the Image]

Then in the given feed field,

Add this:


Then customize it to your needs ;select the appropriate options and save it.

It's done .Place the widget in your layout where you want

Dont forget to share this post if you liked.

Have a nice day! will be back soon....


  1. hii i saw your comment to the recent posts with thumbnails gadget..
    you can get the original version of that from my blog
    and yea it is also added to the blogger directory.. you can finnd it there by searching for blogger widgets
    Actually that was my first ever gadget using the new API..
    Would really appreciate your comments..

