Search This Blog

Friday, July 24, 2009

Search Widget for Blogger

Embed Search Box widget In Blogger Header that makes it look beautiful.

You can also Embed Google Search Box In Blogger Header, to add to your earnings Or custom search engine to your blog.

This is very important trick to increase your earnings of Adsense if you add google search as you will be got paid to get searched from your google search from your blog.

Now How to add this link unit to your Blogger Header?

1.Login to your blogger
2.Go to LAYOUT tab
3.Then EDIT HTML tab
4.Click On EXPAND WIDGETS to expand html
5. Search the below code in red

<div class='descriptionwrapper'>
<p class='description'><span><data:description/></span></p>

Now Add the seach code after these lines.

If you want to add your google search then add the google search code from adsense.

If you want search unit to be placed above the description and below title then place the search code above these red lines.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Comments Widget in 30 seconds

In case you directly want to show the comments widget on your Blogger Blog within 30 seconds, then follow this step:

Sign in to Blogger, Go to Layout -> Add a Gadget -> Feed widget[see the Image]

Then in the given feed field,

Add this:


Then customize it to your needs ;select the appropriate options and save it.

It's done .Place the widget in your layout where you want

Dont forget to share this post if you liked.

Have a nice day! will be back soon....

Friday, July 17, 2009

Floating Icons BUTTONS on Blog[see the corners]

Get the three floating icons as on this Blog [in the corners]

This would drastically help visitors on your subpages to easily head to your main page or subscribe your rss or even get back to top if your blog post is to long
these icons being floating on the browser catch the visitor's attention easily , following more clicks on the icons.
You first need to add this code in a html/javascript anywhere on your Blog
the code goes as follows

<a style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:5px;right:5px;" href="#" title="Back to Top"><img src=""/></a>

<a style="display:scroll;position:fixed;top:5px;right:5px;" href="" title="Subscribe RSS"><img src=""/></a>

<a style="display:scroll;position:fixed;top:5px;left:5px;" href="" title="GO to HOME"><img src=""/></a>

,.The first paragraph of code is for the floating "back to top" dont edit it
the second paragraph of code is for you RSS feed ; edit the highlighted portion with you feed
I use Feedburner [Know About feedburner here]
Anyway your default feed would be

Third paragraph is for "Home" edit the highlighted portion in 3rd para with your Blog URL

That's it you got your army of floating icons to make your visitors get to the things you want them to see.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

All search engines and search engine submittors

This is not the complete list of search engines but are enough to give an start to your blog ,as you will find countless amount of search engines on web you wouldn't have heard of.

Website Submission Services

There are many websites on the net offering free website submission services to search engines .The list of search engines are by and large the same. Some offer free to send your URL to more than a hundred search engines . Is it necessary to have your webpage listed in all the smaller search engines

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Let your readers easily TRANSLATE your BLOG with this highly compact widget.

These super-mini flags are powered by Google Translate. The languages available at the click of a flag are

Chinese, German, French, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and Spanish.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

TWEET ME Twitter button

Twitter has gained much popularity nowadays with increase in its users and a great source of traffic for bloggers. As me too has started using twitter a lot and i am loving it,its really feel great when see your Twitter followers increasing. You can follow me here

Login to your blogger.Then got To Its Layout > Edit Html > Expand Widgets
Search for this line (ctrl+F)

,Just add the below codes after it:-

<a expr:href='" " + data:post.title + " @twitter_username " + data:post.url' title='Tweet it on Twitter'><img src='http://Link_to_twitter_image'/></a>

Replace the green codes above with your twitter username and image link of twitter uploaded on your server. we even have got for u tweet me twitter images

Now save your template and you will be able to see tweet me button below each blogger post which can be tweeted by your readers

get us in your mailbox..Enter your email address:

Subscribe to WidgetBlogger by Email

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Access blocked sites,blogs

Countries like China block some really great sites and here are some ways to defy those bans.......

1) Using IP Instead of URLThis depends on the software/application used. Sometimes blocked sites are stored as a list of URLs (eg.,,etc) and typing the IP instead of the URL might sometimes work. In a local computer, doing a ping command in Command Prompt (Mac users use Terminal) will return you the IP address. You can also do it online via


2) Redirection with Short URL serviceSometimes the URL you intend to browse might be ban, but converting them to another a shorter URL with short URL services might just help you to bypass the settings.Here’s 2 Short URL service you can use – MooURL, SnipURL


3) Google CacheSearch engines like Google and Yahoo cache webpages and these cached pages are stored in search engines themselves, which likely will be added to the blocked list. Click on the ‘cache’ will bring you to a cache version of the page, as updated as how Google caches it.

hope this helped you................